Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How To Strengthen Urinary Bladder Muscles

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Drink Plenty Of Water


Drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid a day unless your doctor advises you otherwise.

Many people with urinary incontinence avoid drinking fluids, as they feel it causes more problems. However, limiting your fluid intake makes incontinence worse, because it reduces your bladders capacity.

Not drinking enough fluid can also cause constipation or make it worse.

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What Foods And Drinks To Avoid

While you may want to drink less liquid so you dont have to urinate as often, you should still make sure you stay hydrated. More concentrated urine, usually darker in color, can irritate your bladder and cause more frequent urination.

Other foods and drinks can contribute to OAB symptoms, including:

  • alcohol
  • tea
  • tomato-based foods

You can test which drinks or foods irritate your bladder by eliminating them from your diet. Then reincorporate them one by one every two to three days at a time. Permanently eliminate the particular food or drink that worsens your symptoms.

Who Could Benefit From Pelvic Floor Exercises

People who have faecal incontinence or bowel leakage may be helped by doing some specific exercises for the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles. These exercises could help improve the strength of the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles and improve bowel control. Talk to your healthcare professional before doing these exercises to see whether they could help you.

Pelvic Floor Exercises can help both men and women gain more control over bowel movements. These exercises are also used for men and women with bladder control problems.

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Avoid High Impact Exercise: It Can Make Leakage Worse

If youre looking at losing weight or exercising to help your urinary incontinence, be aware that high impact exercise can actually make things worse by putting pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. Even sit-ups may prove problematic. So skip the aerobics classes and trade in your running shoes for some yoga or pilates. This will help you build core strength, stretch your body, and get a good workout without taking a toll on your pelvic floor muscles. Plus, as we saw, yoga has some asanas that are actually beneficial for the pelvic region.16


Exercises For Urinary Sphincter Muscles

Complete Bladder Training Guide For Urinary Incontinence

The urinary sphincter muscles are located at the base of the pelvic floor. They help control urine flow as well as prevent leaking of urine from the bladder. Sphincter muscles are circular and surround the opening of the urethra where it connects to the bladder. The urethra is a tubular structure that extends from the bladder to the outside of the body, through which urine flows. As we grow older, our sphincter muscles may weaken. Exercise strengthens this muscle and helps prevent incontinence.

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Maintain A Healthy Weight

The latest statistics indicate that more than 40 percent of the population in the US is obese. Worldwide the numbers are even higher.

A recent study estimated 27 percent of the US population diagnosed with bladder cancer was categorized as overweight, and approximately 35 percent were categorized as obese.

Can This Injury Or Condition Be Prevented

Once individuals are performing pelvic-floor muscle contractions daily and correctly, they can begin to incorporate the exercises into their activities of daily living. Developing healthy bladder habits, such as regular and timed bathroom visits, and avoiding potential bladder irritants such as caffeine, can be helpful lifestyle changes for people with urinary incontinence.

Your physical therapist can provide information about:

  • Diet and nutrition, to help you avoid food and drinks that may irritate the bladder.
  • Changing the behaviors that make your symptoms worse.
  • Techniques to decrease urinary urge and frequency, such as muscle strengthening or stretching.
  • Maintaining a healthy bathroom schedule.
  • Maintaining bowel regularity.
  • Drinking healthy fluids regularly to maintain hydration.
  • Maintaining a regular exercise regimen or active lifestyle.

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Kegels Or Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

Kegel exercises can strengthen your pelvic floor strength, improve bladder function, and possibly even completely eliminate leakage.

As a first step, identify the pelvic floor muscles by stopping urination midstream. You should feel a clench inside the pelvic region that is holding it in. These are the muscles you will need to target for these two forms of Kegels.5

Try and do about 3 sets of short and long contractions each with 10 repetitions per set, twice a day. The focus needs to be on accuracy rather than count. So if you cant manage so many, do fewer but do them right.6

Bladder Retraining After Long Catheterization

Physical Therapy Bladder Control Kegels for Women that STOP BLADDER LEAKS

May 30, 2013 by Ken Theriot

A couple of weeks ago my urologist told me I didnt need to wear the leg bag with my catheter anymore if I didnt want to. I wrote about this in my article I Havent Really Need This Leg Bag! At first I felt a bit like I wish Id known this 3 months ago! But as it turns out, I couldnt have gone bag-less any earlier because I was being prepped for my antegrade-retrograde urethrogram , during which time my bladder and urethra had to be resting for 3 months. This apparently makes for a much more accurate picture of the stricture length and location.

But now that they have done the urethrogram and pinpointed the details of the stricture , I can go bag-less every day. However, even after a couple of weeks I still have to go every hour.

So Ive been wondering if I should be holding it for longer, trying to push through the discomfort of the urge to pee for longer and longer, in order to retrain my bladder to hold onto the pee for the normal 4 hours. My hunch appears to have been right, according to the below article. Basically, you have to inform your bladder that YOU are the boss, not IT. As it turns out, thats not entirely true. Im bending to my bladders willeventually. But I was able to get up to 90 minutes a few times yesterday. So maybe its working.

Anyway, here is the article I refer to:

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Beat Urinary Incontinence With 7 Amazing Exercises And Asanas

Urinary incontinence or the loss of ability to hold in the urine in your body can be embarrassing and inconvenient, interfering with your daily life. If you are looking for natural ways to overcome it, exercise can make a world of difference, improving symptoms and helping regain bladder control.

How Often Should I Exercise

Do your exercises often enough to make them a habit but at a minimum of 30 repetitions twice a day. Pelvic floor muscle support usually improves within 6 weeks after starting the exercises. Strengthening your pelvic floor is one step you can take to control your bladder. While incontinence and frequent sudden urges to go may be embarrassing to talk about, your health care provider can offer other treatment options that may provide further relief.

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Living With Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence does, unfortunately, become a long-term problem for some women. Here are some tips on living with it:

  • Use incontinence pads, which are made for urine leakage, rather than sanitary pads.
  • Take a change of underwear or set of clothes when you go out.
  • Know where toilets are located so you can find them quickly .
  • Cross your legs when sneezing or laughing.
  • Modify your exercise routine to avoid high impact exercises such as jumping.

What Types Of Urinary Incontinence Are There And What Are The Causes


There are various types of urinary incontinence with a range of causes. The most common types are stress urinary incontinence and overactive bladder. A mixed form of both types known as mixed incontinence is also common. Overflow incontinence, extra-urethral incontinence and neurogenic incontinence are less common types.

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Supta Baddha Konasana Or Reclining Bound Angle Pose

This yoga pose focuses on your groin and pelvic region and works your inner thighs as well as hips, giving it a complete stretch. With stronger inner thighs, you can stabilize your pelvic floor better. Because you boost flexibility, you can sense and use your pelvic floor muscles much more deeply than before.13 Follow these steps to perform this asana14:

  • Lie down on your back, knees bent, and feet together.
  • Breathe in relaxing the pelvic floor. Feel your hip and abdominal muscle relax. Allow your knees to drop open at the sides of your body.
  • Breathe out as you bring your knees back to the start position, pulling your abdominal muscle in and lifting your pelvic floor. Accentuate that contraction of your muscles at the tail end of your exhalation.

Drink Enough Fluids To Keep Your Bladder Happy

Drinking less water and other fluids to decrease your risk of an accident is not a good idea, says Tomas Griebling, MD, a professor of urology at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City and president of the Geriatric Urological Society of the American Urological Association. While its true that chugging down a lot of fluids especially in a short amount of time can lead to leaks, not drinking enough can also make you need to pee suddenly.

When you dont drink enough water, the urine becomes more concentrated and that can be irritating to the bladder and increase urgency, explains Dr. Griebling.

How much fluid is enough varies from person to person, but the National Association for Continence estimates that six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day is about the right amount. Checking the color of your urine can help you know if youre on target, according to Harvard Health. In general, a pale yellow color means youre adequately hydrated, while a darker yellow suggests you need to drink more.

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How Is It Diagnosed

Your physical therapist will perform a thorough examination to identify the causes of your urinary incontinence, and will ask you to describe your symptoms and your daily experiences. They may assess the muscles of your pelvis, hip, and low back, as well as the coordination, strength, and flexibility of the muscles of your pelvic floor.

Your physical therapist also may refer you to a physician for additional tests, such as urodynamic testing, diagnostic ultrasound, or MRI to show any pelvic-floor muscle problems, to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

How Is Urinary Incontinence Treated

How To Do Kegel Exercises For Bladder Control

Treatment methods for bladder weakness include methods such as behavioral therapies and pelvic floor training, as well as various medications and surgical procedures. Bladder weakness can usually be treated effectively and, in some cases, can even be cured.

For older people with overactive bladder, stress incontinence and mixed incontinence, the main approach to treatment is behavioral therapy in the form of toilet habit re-training, as this is not associated with any side effects. This involves defining a personalized schedule for emptying the bladder, timed voiding and bladder re-training.

There are also many other treatment options based on the cause of the urinary incontinence:

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What Can Happen If You Do A Kegel Incorrectly

Women often incorrectly contract their buttocks or gluteal muscles, or inner thighs, and basically squeeze their thighs together. Many strain and increase their abdominal pressure. Thats not good for two reasons. One, its ineffective. And two, straining results in the opposite effect. Chronic straining is a risk factor for developing and worsening problems like pelvic organ prolapse or stress incontinence.

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Pain And Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises shouldnt hurt. Most people find them relaxing and easy. But if you use the wrong muscles during Kegel exercises, you may feel uncomfortable.

  • If you get back or stomach pain after doing the exercises, you may be trying too hard and using your stomach or back muscles instead of your pelvic floor muscles.
  • If you get a headache after doing the exercises, you may be making your chest muscles tight and holding your breath.

If you have any questions, call your nurse. You may also want to talk to your healthcare team about pelvic floor physical therapy. Pelvic floor physical therapy can help you with issues you might be having in your bladder, bowels or pelvic area.

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Utkatasana Or Chair Pose

The utkatasana can be adapted to help build an awareness of the pelvic region and the muscles that control urine flow.15

  • Begin in tadasana or mountain pose, standing with your feet together.
  • Align your head, pelvis, and torso so that the centers of your head and pelvis line up.
  • Inhale raising your arms up, palms facing each other until they are overhead.
  • Exhale, keep your arms extended as your interlink your fingers and invert them to face the ceiling. Stretch your arms a little more. Continue to breathe. Extend a little more with each exhalation.
  • As you exhale, bend your legs deeply, with your inner thighs, knees, and feet still firmly glued to each other and heels flat on the ground.
  • Let your lower spine open and rotate your pelvis back. Stop moving the pelvis as soon as you feel a contraction in your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Now focus on the lower abdominal muscles that are just above your pubic bone and gently draw them in.
  • Next, contract your pelvic floor muscles as you do in a Kegel, to stop the imaginary urine flow.
  • Hold for multiple breaths and then release. Return to the original position.

Add To Your Daily Routine

Core exercises on the Hypervibe machine (With images ...

Do your pelvic exercises at least three times a day. Every day, try to do the exercises in three positions: lying down, sitting, and standing. Using all three positions makes the muscles strongest. Keep a daily journal or exercise log to record each time you do the exercises.

Heres a sample daily exercise schedule.

  • Do a set of exercises in the morning, while making breakfast.
  • Fit in another set in the afternoon, while sitting at your desk or driving.
  • End with a third set in the evening, while lying in bed.

Be patient. Dont give up. Its just 5 minutes, three times a day. Like any exercise routine, it can take a little time to build up muscle strength and conditioning. You may not feel your bladder control improve until after 3 to 6 weeks.

Dont overdo it. Keep doing the exercises, but dont increase how many you do. Overdoing the exercises can lead to straining when you urinate or move your bowels.

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Do Daily Pelvic Floor Exercises

The pelvic floor muscles are responsible for supporting the bladder, and they help control the flow of urine through the urethra. When they become weakened or damaged, it can cause stress incontinence.

Performing pelvic floor exercises including Kegels, squats, and the bridge can help strengthen the muscles around and within the bladder to prevent urinary incontinence.

According to the results of two clinical trials , women who participate in pelvic floor muscle training are twice as likely to see an improvement in their urinary incontinence than those receiving symptomatic care alone. They are also five times more likely to have their symptoms completely resolve.

Those who have had recent surgery, have given birth recently, or have other health concerns should talk with a doctor before beginning any exercise regimen.

How To Strengthen Your Bladder And Urinate Less Often

This article was medically reviewed by Allison Romero, PT, DPT. Dr. Allison Romero is a Pelvic Health Specialist, Physical Therapist, and the Owner of Reclaim Pelvic Therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over a decade of experience, Allison specializes in comprehensive pelvic physical therapy treatments for pelvic floor dysfunction. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Exercise Science from Sonoma State University and a Doctor of Physical Therapy from the University of Southern California. Allison is a board certified Physical Therapist in California and is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association-Section on Womens Health and the International Pelvic Pain Society.There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 100% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 963,372 times.

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What Is Bladder Training

Bladder training is a way of learning to manage urinary incontinence. It helps you change your urination habits. Its generally used for stress incontinence or urge incontinence. Stress incontinence is when urine leaks because of sudden pressure on your lower stomach muscles. This could be when you cough, laugh, lift something, or exercise. Urge incontinence is when the need to urinate comes on so fast that you cant get to a toilet in time. Bladder training can also be used for a combination of the 2 types .

Bladder training can help by:

  • Lengthening the amount of time between bathroom trips.
  • Increasing the amount of urine your bladder can hold.
  • Improving your control over the urge to urinate.

Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Physical Therapy Bladder Control Exercises for Men

Millions who suffer with urinary incontinence feel like their bladder controls their lives. Control depends on muscles working together. This simple step can control your bladder!

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health

When the bladder fills, the bladder muscles should be relaxed and the muscles around the urethra , called the pelvic floor muscles, should be tight. Exercises that strengthen these muscles can help prevent leakage and calm the urge to go. These are commonly called “Kegel” exercises, named after the doctor who developed them. They can help keep your pelvic floor muscles toned and may reduce your problems with leakage or frequent urges to urinate.

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