Saturday, September 7, 2024

How To Help Cats With Urinary Problems

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What Are Cat Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

How to Prevent Urinary Issues in Cats

Symptoms of urinary tract infections in cats can be similar whether they have sterile cystitis or they have a bacterial infection.

Common signs of a cat bladder infection or cystitis include:

  • Frequently urinating

If youre seeing any of these signs in your cat, you need to take them to your veterinarian for an examination and additional diagnostics.

Best Custom Cat Food For Urinary Health

Best custom cat food for urinary health: Just Food for Cats.


  • Formulated for your cats specific needs
  • Veterinarians and formulators on staff
  • Premade and shipped to you or DIY option

Just Food for Cats will work with you and your cats doctor to come up with a food that works for your cats individual needs.

Consider the natural remedies below as well .

How Does A Cat Get A Urinary Tract Infection

There are a variety of conditions that cats can get that affect the urinary tract that is labeled a feline lower urinary tract disease .

A bacterial UTI occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract, usually by ascending up the urethra and entering the bladder. There are numerous causes for cat UTIs, whether bacterial or inflammatory.

These urinary conditions can occur at any age, but are usually seen in middle-aged, overweight cats that dont have a lot of environmental enrichment, are in multi-cat households, are prone to stress, and eat a dry kibble diet.

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How To Prevent Urinary Tract Problems In Cats

There are different types of urinary problems in cats prevention options available.

One of the most important strategies is to ensure the cat remains at a weight that is considered healthy for them. This can be done by ensuring the cat eats a balanced diet by buying the right foods for them. The cat should also get enough exercise to avoid weight gain.

Make sure your cat has enough fresh water to drink. It is important for cats to stay hydrated. Too little can lead to an increased risk for urinary tract problems.

Stress can contribute to FLUTD in your cat, so it is important to keep your cats stress to a minimum. Look out for signs that your cat may be stressed. These signs may include:

  • Digestive problems,
  • excessively scratching and grooming themselves,
  • isolating themselves from you and the rest of their general environment.

When these signs become present, take appropriate steps to help reduce stress in your cat. Make sure the cat has water available and litter boxes in fixed locations. Provide your cat with a scratching pad and offer the cat a couple of hiding places. You should also play with your cat and remember that cats often like to be loved and to cuddle.

Cat Uti Vs Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Urinary Support Soft Chew Supplement for Cats

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease is another relatively common condition that can easily be confused with a UTI. While UTIs are caused by an infection, FLUTD describes a range of conditions or diseases affecting a cat’s bladder and urethra without infection, such as urinary stones, a blocked urethra or diabetes, to name a few. FLUTD is often brought on by stress. FLUTD and UTIs have many of the same symptoms, so it’s important to discuss any litter box concerns with your vet.

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How The Right Cat Food Can Help

Keep in mind that much like our bodies, a cats system needs very precise nutritional requirements to guarantee optimal health. One main thing to consider is the fact that a cats body is mainly acidic, so you need to feed it food that helps maintain this pH balance.

The problem with most cat food choices is that they lack the ingredients that help achieve this balance. The ideal content would be fresh meat like chicken, fish, and beef. However, because many manufacturers seek to cut costs by using synthetic ingredients, most of their foods omit these natural food sources.

Another reason why some cat foods fail at meeting a cats specific dietary needs is because many use plant based ingredients. These sap the feline system of important moisture that helps maintain proper functioning. So when the urine becomes too concentrated, it causes the formation of crystals which can result to a blockage and kidney disease.

As a pet owner, you should make sure to take your time when choosing cat food for your pet. As a general rule, foods that are made mostly of organic meats are best. Thats why many choose to make their own homemade cat food from fresh meats. Its also important to make sure the food youve chosen doesnt contain too much plant-based ingredients that could cause dehydration in the long run.

You may also like to consider a high protein diet as this study has shown that this may assist cats with dissolving urinary crystals more efficiently and with more ease.

Treating Your Cats Urinary Issues At Home

After the initial consultation, your vet may advise you to change some aspects of your cats lifestyle to help maintain its urinary health. Cats who are overweight are more at risk of stones as they drink and urinate less frequently, so your vet may suggest you help them lose weight and increase the activity they do.

Cats can also suffer from urinary problems due to stress at home. This includes stress which may transfer from owner to cat, stress from living in a multi-cat household or from having experienced a significant lifestyle change. Your vet may suggest the following to reduce this stress:

  • Making sure your cat has permanent, easy and safe access to the litter tray
  • Limiting the interaction between cats in your home who dont get on
  • Modifying your cats environment to be more stimulating or safe
  • Anti-anxiety medication, pheromone diffusers or therapeutic food

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When To See A Vet

These at-home treatments and remedies may be effective for clearing up minor infections, but more serious infections need to be treated by a professional animal doctor.

If your cat is experiencing mild or moderate symptoms, you can try these remedies to relieve their symptoms. If their symptoms show no sign of improvement in a few days, talk to a veterinarian. If your cat seems to be in pain or is unable to pass urine, see a vet immediately. This could be a sign of urethral obstruction, which can be fatal if not treated within 24 to 48 hours.

A vet may be able to prescribe antibiotics to target the harmful bacteria. Be sure to give your cat the full dose of prescribed antibiotics to prevent the UTI from returning or becoming resistant to treatment.

Even if youre pursuing professional treatment, these remedies can be effectively used alongside antibiotics to strengthen the bladder and balance your cats pH levels. Some can also be used as a daily supplement to prevent the UTI from coming back. Remember to check the urine pH prior to starting some of the remedies to make sure you don’t make the problem worse.

Cat Urinary Blockage Home Remedy

How to Treat Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

Urinary blockages are nothing less than dreadful. Whats worse than having a cat that vomits, cries in pain, and pees where its not supposed to? For a loving cat owner , few things are more uncomfortable. Nonetheless, this is the unfortunate reality of a cat suffering from urinary blockage. Naturally, finding a cat urinary blockage home remedy is crucial for owners of affected felines.

No responsible pet owner would want to see their cat suffering, and no cat wants to experience it. The condition can even be fatal if left untreated. Read on to learn more about cat urinary blockages and what steps you can take at home to keep your cat healthy!

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What Causes Idiopathic Cystitis In Cats

Stress, which can be manifested in many forms, is the most common trigger of feline idiopathic cystitis. As your cat experiences anxiety, their bladders protective layer often becomes patchy and stops doing its job of making sure that the bladder is protected against the harsh chemical components found in urine.

No matter how calm and unbothered your cat may seem, theres always some level of stress in your pet which you might not even be able to detect because theyre notoriously good at hiding it. In general, changes are common triggers of stress. This can include being by themselves for longer periods, having to share their space with other pets, and interactions with strangers. Even moving furniture around the home might cause abnormal levels of stress in your cat.

Genetics can also play a key role in your pets chances of being diagnosed with feline idiopathic cystitis. This is something you have no control over and so its very difficult to prevent. All you can do is be on the lookout and spot the signs early on to be able to provide appropriate treatment.

What Can Cause Urinary Issues In Cats

Cat urinary problems can be caused by lots of things, from birth defects and medical conditions to diet, injuries, and bacterial infections. While some urinary problems can be prevented with a healthy diet and proper hydration, your cat may also develop a urinary disease as a result of an unrelated medical condition, such as hyperthyroidism or diabetes.

Like a cat ear infection, proper treatment is important when it comes to cat urinary problems. As soon as you notice blood in your cats urine or frequent urination, you should take your cat to the vet for a diagnosis. Your vet can recommend the best treatment and preventative care for your cat.

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How To Prevent Cat Utis

Ensure adequate hydration

This can be done with a switch to a higher moisture diet like canned food, homemade diets, or raw diets that naturally have more moisture content than a kibble diet.

Other ways to help include getting a water fountain, adding tuna water or broth to the food, or even just adding plain water to canned or raw food diets.

Use canned cat food or a raw food diet

Changing your cat to a species-appropriate diet is essential to fixing the problem since food tends to be the root cause of the problem.

Remember high carb diets tend to cause the urine pH to raise, leading to crystal and stone formation.

Reduce stress

Stress causes inflammation in the body long-term if its not managed.

Simple ways to reduce stress for cats are to make sure they have a quiet room to themselves away from the noise and activity of the rest of the household.

In this space, make sure they have a place to hide if needed, comfortable bedding, scratching post, water, and a litter tray if needed.

Also, make sure you have enough litter trays in the household. Ideally, you want 1 + the number of cats that you have.

For example, if you have 2 cats, youll want 3 litter trays. And make sure to clean them every day since cats can stop using them if they are not clean enough.

If your cat is prone to stress cystitis, make sure to get calming products for them.

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Can I Feed All My Cats A Urinary Diet When Only One Cat Needs It

PET SUPPLEMENTS Cats Urinary Tract Infection â Urinary Tract Support ...

There are no risks associated with feeding your other cats this diet however, this is not the best diet for them. I believe that the rest of the cats in the house can continue to eat the kidney diet to live longer and healthier lives as long as their housemates do.

Why You Shouldnt Feed Your Cat Dry Food

The obligate carnivores in cats do not consume many carbohydrates. The carbohydrates in dry food are higher than in wet food. Even if cats eat kibble all the time, they should drink plenty of fresh water, especially if they are prone to urinary tract obstruction problems.

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Causes Of Urinary Tract Issues In Cats

A urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses that have worked their way into the urethra . Most UTIs are caused by bacteria and typically affect the urethra and bladder. Left untreated, they can spread to the kidneys, causing a serious infection called pyelonephritis.

UTIs are not especially common in cats, but other urinary tract issues occur often. Your cat’s trouble urinating can have a number of possible causes, some of which can be painful. Urinary conditions can block the flow of urine or inflame parts of the urinary tract. If you’ve been on the hunt for information online, you may have heard about feline lower urinary tract disease , which is a catch-all term for a variety of possible culprits, including UTIs and the following conditions:

  • Urinary stones, which develop in the bladder from microscopic crystals
  • Urethral obstruction, possibly caused by crystalized minerals in the urine, an injury, a tumor, or an abnormality your cat has had since birth
  • Feline idiopathic cystitis , which is inflammation of a cat’s bladder with an unknown cause. This is a common diagnosis in cats less than 10 years old. A veterinarian may diagnose the condition after ruling out other conditions.

Some cats are predisposed to problems of the lower urinary tract, especially cats older than 10 years and those with kidney disease or diabetes.

Finding The Cats Bladder

Slip your dominant hand under the cats belly slightly closer to the rear than right below the ribs. Place your other hand along the cats side opposite from you so you can gently hold and/or lift the cat. When he has settled into position, feel the abdomen, slightly higher than the leg sockets. Beneath the spine is the colon and beneath that is the bladder. The bladder has a distinct shape and feel. It feels smooth and self-contained, much like a water balloon. You do not have to squeeze immediately. Give yourself a moment to move your fingers around the bladder. Become familiar with its size and shape.

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Symptoms Of Urinary Tract Problems In Cats

Since cats are unable to communicate with their owners in plain English , it can sometimes be hard to know what is wrong with your cat when they start to act differently than usual.

Urinary problems in cats can be painful and very unpleasant for a cat, which is why it is crucial for owners to know about the symptoms of urinary tract problems in cats.

The most common signs that your cat might be experiencing the dreadful effects of FLUTD may include:

  • Urine may seem cloudy or even bloody at times.
  • When the cat urinates, they might give out a cry due to the pain.
  • A cats urine will usually have a strong ammonia smell to it.
  • Urine may dribble from the cat due to a loss of control over their bladder.
  • The cat may frequently lick the opening of their urinary tract.
  • You may notice your cat visits the litter box more frequently the cat may also sometimes squat over the litterbox for prolonged periods of time.
  • The cat may seem lethargic.
  • Some cats may also vomit when they have FLUTD.

When To Contact Your Vet

Urinary Blockage in Cats, and How to Prevent It


Is your cat unable to pee? Trying, but not passing any urine? In pain and distress? Call your vet for an urgent appointment. This is an emergency and could be a sign of a blocked bladder – never wait to see if these symptoms improve.

Contact your vet as soon as your notice any changes in your cats peeing habits and if possible, take a urine sample along to the appointment. Take a look at our video:

Consider insuring your cat as soon as you get them, before any signs of illness start. This will ensure you have all the support you need to care for them.

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Dont Ignore Urinary Problems In Cats

Urinary tract disorders are relatively common in cats, according to Dr. Arnon Gal, a veterinarian who specializes in small animal internal medicine at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana. But unlike urinary tract infections in people, in cats these problems are not usually caused by bacteria.

Generally speaking, infectious agents such as bacteria are infrequent in urinary tract disease in cats, says Dr. Gal. Instead, the problem in cats is usually stress induced.

Homemade Cat Food For Urinary Problems

There are a number of recipes for homemade cat food that can help with urinary problems. One such recipe is for a chicken and rice soup, which can help to soothe the urinary tract and reduce inflammation. Other ingredients that may be helpful in homemade cat food for urinary problems include cranberries, which can help to prevent urinary infections, and pumpkin, which is thought to help with urinary tract health.

Making your own cat food is an excellent way to prevent urinary tract infections in your pet. There is no doubt that honey and cinnamon, as well as Manuka Honey, have health benefits. In addition to low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese, a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can help reduce urinary tract infections. Female cats frequently experience crystallization in their urine. FLUTD is also known as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease because of the crystals that form. If your cat has urinary problems, its not a good idea to give it another baby right away. Bladder stones are not to be ignored, and you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible if you notice them.

Your cats urinary system will not function properly if you feed him too much cat food. Youve probably already heard that you should feed homemade food to your cat if it has urinary crystals. Your beloved pet will be less likely to develop crystals within its body as a result of this action. Chicken broth is one of the best homemade cat food recipes for urinary tract health.

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